7 Quick Takes 2014, vol. 7:


I think this is going to be a short one, since I’ve been working so hard all week on our Reversal Story, plus I already got my post in for the day. This is all about making my goals, baby.

1. Goals. I realized on Wednesday that one of the major goals I set for myself this year with regards to blogging was to finally publish our Vasectomy Reversal Story. Since I started this 7 posts in 7 days challenge, and since those posts were already begun… well, I just kind of stumbled into really doing it and then AFTER the fact realized I had met a major goal. Why can’t all goals be met like that? With the chance to look up and say, “Wow! I had no idea I had gotten so much accomplished!” That is just not a feelings that happens very often. I think I need to make Jay take me out to dinner!

2. Motivation. One of my goals has been to just get this 7 Quick Takes posted every week just to get myself blogging again. I knew it was a source of fairly wimpy and unoriginal writing, but it was something. So I figured it was a good place to start. Then today I saw this: If You’re Not Good Enough, Just Do This One Thing Over and Over and Over… and Over Again. Ira Glass talks about how when you are trying to learn to do something well, but are frustrated with what you produce, it’s because you have taste and know what really is a good thing. But you have to do things badly for a while, sometimes a very long while before you can become good at them. If you quit when you are still producing not-so-great stuff, then you never will get to greatness. So I need to keep writing, keep producing. Even when no one is reading. I like to write and that is why I am doing it. While it feels like I am spinning my wheels here in a 7 Quick Takes, I am practicing. Maybe one day I will gain some traction and produce something really good. Until then, I have to be willing to produce sub-par stuff. Now that I can do!

3. Gluten. So I’ve completely fallen off the gluten free wagon. Molly is still gluten free (per doctor’s orders) and Jay is still mostly doing it. But I’ve just lost all motivation right now. Dude, I had Kraft Mac and Cheese for lunch and it was so very delicious, I can’t even tell you! The bloating, however… sigh.

4. So next week Lent starts. I am neither nursing nor pregnant this year, so that means I have to do Lent like a grown up with all the fasting and stuff. How penitential. I’m not really looking forward to it, except for maybe fish sandwiches… Since I’m failing at the gluten thing, I might as well, right? Lent at our house is always  penitential just in the amount of Church activities and singing and stuff. I work with the RCIA at our parish, so there is extra stuff there. Jay sings, so he is adding in some Tuesdays and Fridays to the usual Sundays and Wednesdays. When other people plan events in Lent it always takes me a while to calm down and stop calling them crazy in my head and remember that not everyone’s schedule gets turned on its head due to liturgical seasons.

5. Would it be crazy? to make a list of books I’d like to read in a certain time? Yes. Yes it would. See, I’m just letting that goal I met go all to my head and make me think I can just be all in control of stuff like that. Right now the extent of my reading is about 3 pages per night in The Two Towers, which I have read no less than ten times and I love but I still just can’t concentrate on for long enough.

6. Baseball! Spring baseball is about to begin. Because what better time to add in multiple other weekly events than Lent? On the other hand, it is enforced time out of the house. That is a good thing, since I would never leave my own home or take my kids anywhere if I had the choice. So I will just grit my teeth and remind myself that it is for the Greater Good.

7. I’m almost there! I’m almost through the 7 posts in 7 days and I’m almost through with this post. In reading other peoples 7 in 7 I have discovered a whole new set of fun link ups that I will be trying out just to keep myself typing madly away. One baby step at a time.

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